Gethsemani Abbey

3624 Monks Rd.
Trappist, KY 40051-6152
Telephone: 502-549-3117
Fax: 502-549-4124
General Delivery: visit
Guest House Information: 502-549-4133 or visit
Monastery Website: Gethsemani Abbey

In 1848 monks from Melleray Abbey in France founded Gethsemani in the rolling hills of Kentucky, south of Louisville near Bardstown.

Guest House:

Communing with the Lord requires a measure of solitude, a stillness and an emptiness, a waiting on and attending to the Spirit. Silence fosters and preserves the climate of prayer and is thus a fundamental part of the Gethsemani retreat experience.

Abbey retreats are silent, unstructured and undirected. Private consultation with one of the monks can be arranged, if desired. Guests are welcome to participate in the Eucharist and hours of prayer.