Guadalupe Abbey

Box 97
Lafayette, OR 97127
Telephone: 503-852-7174
Telephone: 800-294-0105 (Bakery Products)
Fax: 503-852-7748
Guest House: 503-852-0107
Monastery Website: Guadalupe Abbey

Our Lady of the Valley sent a contingent of brothers to establish the first foundation in 1948 at Pecos, New Mexico. In 1955 they relocated to the forests of Oregon and there established the Abbey of Our Lady of Guadalupe near the town of Lafayette.

Guest House:

We operate a small non-denominational retreat facility for both men and women. Each of our four retreat cottages houses two retreatants -- one upstairs and one downstairs -- and a shared bath is located at a mid-level between floors. The cottages are set in a village arrangement near the monastery church, yet in a lovely setting amid ponds and grassy areas. Nearby paths lead through a wooded hillside of about 800 acres. Guests eat the same vegetarian meals that are served to the monks in the monastery.