Holy Trinity Abbey

1250 South 9500 East
Huntsville, UT 84317
Telephone: 801-745-3784
Fax: 801-745-6430
E-Mail Guest House:hta@xmission.com
Monastery Website: Holy Trinity Abbey

In 1947 monks from Gethsemani settled in a fertile basin of the Wasatch range of the Rocky Mountains, and there founded the Abbey of the Holy Trinity near the town of Huntsville, Utah.

Guest House:

The hurried pace of life today prompts many men to seek a place of peace and quiet in which to reflect on their relationship with God, to pray and to be renewed spiritually. The retreat house at Holy Trinity has room for twelve and is open to adult men, whether Catholic or not. Retreats generally are private, allowing the individual retreatant to arrange his own time for reading, exercising, resting, walking, or simply letting the Lord Jesus speak to his heart. Priests of the community are available for counseling and for the sacrament of reconciliation. Women who wish to make retreats may use the family guest house at times when it is not in use by relatives of the monks.

Retreats are usually limited to three days for persons within the State of Utah. A person coming from outside the State may have a lengthier period, which is arranged with the guest master. The abbey church is always open to retreatants for silent prayer and meditation. Retreatants are welcome to attend the chants of the monks and the celebration of the Eucharist. There is no set fee for making a retreat. A free will offering according to one's means is requested, so that the retreat house can continue in operation.